Sunday, October 20, 2013

It is FINALLY time to get a move on

Hey all!

I decided to make this blog so that friends, family, and whoever is interested can see what I will be doing for the next nine months with the AmeriCorps NCCC program based in Sacramento, California. I am so excited for this opportunity and happy that the time has finally come to start this new adventure.

As many of you know, because of my complaining and extended stay in Charleston, I did not expect this delay to start AmeriCorps. The government shutdown really put a damper on things and had me discouraged. I am not sure if this means the ending date for the NCCC program will be later, or if it will be cut short and end when it was originally suppose to. Either way, I believe these next several months are going to be some of the best of my life.

For those of you who are not sure what AmeriCorps is, I will give you a breif run down. The AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps) is a program through the Corporation for National and Community Service which works to strenghten communtities through a variety of service projects. Memebers work to aid in disaster relief, environmental conservation, infrastructure improvment, and urban and rural development. With all the different areas of work that we could be assigned to, it is impossible to say what I will exactly be doing this next year. Whatever it is, I AM SO READY! :-)

I will be leaving for Sacramento on Thursday and will also arrive that day. The first month I will only be training in Sacramento, and then after training I will be given my assignments. I hope that I am able to keep up with this blog once a week. This may not be possible on certain spikes (assignments outside of Sacramento), but if that is the case, then I will update my blog after every assingment when I get back to the Sacramento campus.

Thank you everyone who has listened to me complain these past few weeks about my delay to Sacramento and the government shutdown. I would mostly like to thank everyone for the support and love! It means a lot and has really helped me.

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